
Board members

on the photo, from left to right

  • Wim van de Donk (member)

  • Cindy van Oorschot (treasurer)

  • Marc Cootjans (member)

  • Bert Groenewegen (secretary)

  • Mariëtte Turkenburg (chair)

Three board meetings were held in 2022. The members of the board receive no remuneration for their work. Nor have they requested or obtained any financial resources from the university fund, and nor have they spent any resources.

Development and Alumni Relations Office

The Tilburg University Fund is supported by employees in the Development and Alumni Relations Office of Tilburg University.

Managing director

Piet van Ierland (far right on the photo) is the director of Tilburg University Fund, and director of the Marketing and Communication division of Tilburg University. The Development and Alumni Relations Office is one of the Marketing and Communication departments.