
I have been closely involved with the Tilburg University Fund as a board member for many years. And I am honored to have been made chair of the board in 2022. It is therefore a real pleasure to present this annual report to every donor, volunteer, and every other stakeholder. 

The past year was a remarkable one. After two years of little activity on campus, we once again had the opportunity of meeting up in large numbers during the Alumni day in October. With inspiring speakers, memorable encounters, and a fantastic benefit festival of song at T.S.R. Vidar, the day was truly unforgettable for me and for the many alumni present. The benefit festival raised €5,399.

As in previous years, the university fund was large enough to support new projects. We received many exciting applications, and I am pleased to report that we were able to honor no fewer than eight of them. The projects were launched in 2023, thanks in part to the financial assistance from the university fund, and will feature in the next annual report. I obviously hope that you, like me, read the newsletters and follow our LinkedIn page, where all the updates and progress reports about the projects will be posted in the forthcoming year. 

Another highlight in 2022 was the setting up of the Charitas voor Charitas Fonds. On February 1st, an agreement was signed between the university fund and the Fundatie Charitas in a ceremony at the convent in Roosendaal, in the presence of the last-surviving nun. The purpose of the Charitas voor Charitas Fonds is to provide scholarships to talented religious women from emerging and developing countries.

Among the impressive projects that the university fund has supported for a long time is the Zero Hunger Lab. In March, a special edition of the magazine New Scientist appeared that was devoted entirely to the research carried out by the Zero Hunger Lab, in which the researchers talked about their work and its impact on hunger in the world. 

In 2022, we again provided support to a number of scholarship students, giving them the opportunity to develop their talents during their studies at Tilburg University. The chapters on scholarships for students and teaching include contributions by several students about how the scholarships have benefited their lives.

Unfortunately, several students found themselves in financial difficulties this year due to the war in Ukraine. Quite apart from their worries about their families and friends, they suddenly had to deal with some unexpected challenges. Fortunately, we were able to provide them with help from our emergency fund. Many donors were deeply affected by their experiences, with no less than €19,495 being raised in donations. 

We concluded the year with a heartwarming five-year anniversary campaign on the campus. Everyone at the university was given the opportunity – in return for a small donation – of sharing their dreams for the future in the form of a ribbon on the Christmas tree next to the library. The campaign was a great success, yielding a sum of €2284.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank every donor and every volunteer for their involvement. With your support, we really can make an impact. 

Mariëtte Turkenburg

Chair, Tilburg University Fund