2.3 Attention to student well-being

Action plan student well-being

Student well-being has come under increased pressure in the Netherlands in recent years. Whereas in the past, the focus of the university was mostly on reactive intervention, this increased pressure is causing a shift towards prevention. We are doing this, for example, by deploying peer-to-peer groups and expanding the range of courses offered, for example, with training on grief counseling. To this end, the university continues to implement its Student Well-being Implementation Plan, including through the deployment of the Student Well-being Officer. Improvements have been made in communication to students, the Schools, associations, and student parties (participation). Cooperation with external care partners has improved, and we make a significant contribution to national and regional well-being consultations, further enhancing Tilburg University's reputation and visibility in the field of well-being. However, accommodating the peak load of the student psychologists remains a challenge that needs attention.

Social safety

Social safety continued to be high on Tilburg University's agenda in 2022. The entire reporting and complaint system was analyzed, and a strategic implementation memorandum was prepared, describing many new plans to ensure a socially safe learning and working environment for students and employees. In addition, social safety within study, student sports, and student associations was actively addressed by organizing training sessions for confidential contact persons. These confidential contact persons have, in particular, an early warning and referral function in case of transgressive behavior and act as social safety ambassadors within the associations. The training sessions were evaluated positively and will be continued.

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